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TTAO SCHOLARSHIP (Application process will be updated each spring.)

The Texas Theatre Adjudicators & Officials (TTAO) is excited to announce that our organization will award two $1000.00 scholarships to deserving seniors planning to pursue Theatre Arts as their major at the college level (one for Performance and one for Technical Theatre.)  Any graduating senior who has participated in the UIL One-Act Play State Contest or is a finalist in the UIL State Design Contest may apply. 


Applications must be received by June 1, 2017 at the following email address: 


A completed application must include:

  • A complete scholarship application (Click here to download PDF of application.)
  • A letter of Nomination/Recommendation from a teacher confirming the student’s participation in the UIL OAP or Theatrical Design Contest at the State One-Act Play Compeition, the year of competition, and that the student is a graduating senior.
  • A scan of the page in the State Meet program on which your name and event appear.
  • A current high school transcript
  • A theatrical resume


Please scan all items into a single PDF file including the student’s full name and “TTAO Scholarship” in the file name (Ex. Full Name‐TTAO Scholarship).


Applications will be reviewed at the summer TTAO Board Meeting and winners will be notified in June 2017.

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