Current Certified Adjudicators
UIL approved Texas Theatre Adjudicators and Officials (TTAO) OAP Critic Judges
The Texas Theatre Adjudicators and Officials (TTAO) List of Critic Judges is published for the benefit of zone, district, and area personnel making choices of critic judges for the one-act play contest. Only the judges on this list may be used to adjudicate UIL one-act play contests. (Refer to Section 1033 (d) (3) (A) in the current UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.)
Adjudicators Renewal Due Date is annually on June 1.
All adjudicators will be contacted via email for Membership Update information and procedures.
Renewal VS Recertification
Renewal is an annual event for all active adjudicators. It requires $50 dues and a membership directory update on your Wild Apricot membership directory page.
Recertification is required of any adjudicator who has lapsed for 3 years without adjudicating or paying dues. Recertification requires you attend one of the adjudicator training sessions held throughout the state of Texas, payment of dues, and updating your Wild Apricot membership directory page.
2017 OAP State Meet Panels
AAAAAA - Royal Brantley, Ezekiel Morgan, Kelly Russell
AAAAA - Scott Allen, Kim Blann, Rachel Mattox
AAAA - Larry Balfe, Freddie Buckner, Jill Ludington
AAA - Jerry Ivins, Perry Crafton, Cathy Huvar
AA - Travis Springfield, Missey Head, Jim Rambo
A - Mark Pickell, Kathy Love Harvey, Craig Hertel
Click here for State Meet information from UIL.
You will only be added to the Current Adjudicator list after submitting an updated membership profile & annual dues. To do so, click here.
Lifetime Adjudicators
You must still submit an updated Membership Profile before you will be considered Active. To do so, click here.
Contact Alison Frost directly if you have question or concerns.