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Pack Snacks

The day can get awfully long if snacks aren't provided for adjudicators.  Fruit, nuts, and a spare bottle of water are easy to pack and might get you through those last few performances.

Light Source

Having your own flashlight or book light is a great idea.  You might get to your space and have a light that's too bright, not bright enough, etc...  Having an alternative is a good idea.

Laptop for Notes

There is a growing trend to take notes via a laptop instead of longhand.  You might consider setting your software to web format and choosing a black background with white font so your laptop doesn't glow too much in your face.  Many adjudicators find it easier to critique from a hard copy so they give the Contest Manager a thumb drive with their notes attached and ask them to print a hard copy prior to the critique.

Adjudicator Tips, Trends and Techniques


Learn some of the ins an outs of surviving the contest play season from some seasoned adjudicators.

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